The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing your Marketing

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Attention fellow business owners…

If you’re a business owner, you will relate to having to wear ALL the hats when running a business, particularly in the first year or two. The marketing hat, as we all know, takes valuable time, money and often expertise to achieve results.

Why would you risk attempting it yourself when you could outsource your marketing to a professional? It’s a bit like doing your own business tax return. Most of us find a great accountant and trust them to take care of it.

Now let me get down to the nitty gritty in laying out both the pros and cons of outsourcing...

The Cons

  1. If someone gave me a dollar for every time they have been burnt by a marketer or an agency, I’d be very rich! Unfortunately, this happens a hell of a lot more than it should BUT it certainly creates great opportunity for the good eggs (like me).

  2. It seems some agencies and marketers didn’t get the memo about under promising and over delivering (just saying). Making promises you can’t deliver on is always going to land you in hot water!

  3. Having to deal with too many cooks in the kitchen. I’m talking an Account Manager, a Lead Designer, a Marketing Director - that’s overkill, just one will suffice thanks.

  4. Have you ever received an invoice with a thousand or more dollars tacked onto your retainer for all those ‘extra’ or ‘additional’ requests you asked for? Hmm :(

The Pros

  1. Eliminate the stress of trying to do everything yourself or delegating it internally to a team member who doesn’t have the time or expertise to do it justice.

  2. Let’s face it, the cost of hiring a Marketing Coordinator or Manager is expensive and almost impossible, particularly for a small to medium sized business.

  3. Outsourcing your marketing allows you, the business owner/director/general manager to focus your time and energy on other important (namely, profit producing) activities such as sales and new product development.

  4. Imagine this.. you get referred by a fellow business friend to this Virtual Marketing & Brand Manager who is reliable, honest and affordable. You meet, you agree on a budget and before you know it, the process has started and I have slotted into your team seamlessly. Presto!

Keep in mind that not all agencies and marketers are created equal! If you’re not quite sure what stage you are at and what you need, book a free consult with me.


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